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Smart Meters

Do you ever wish you could track your electricity usage habits to see where you could cut back on your household’s overall power consumption? Now you can! With the implementation of a tech-savvy Smart Meter, Ampra Energy’s 100% Green Energy prepaid electricity plans offer customers the opportunity to be smarter about their power consumption—while also saving money.

What is a Smart Meter, and why should I want one?

Basically, a Smart Meter is an electronic device used for recording energy usage data in timed intervals. The data collected is then communicated back to power providers electronically. Typically, Smart Meters record data in hourly (or less) intervals. Once the utility provider receives the electronic information, that data is used for billing and service monitoring purposes.

How do Smart Meters communicate this valuable information? Smart Meters use wireless networks, also known as Wi-Fi, to transmit collected data back to the power company.

The data is very detailed, noting the amount and frequency of power used.

Luckily, you can be in on this data analysis, too! The Smart Meter display inside your home will also display this important information in a user-friendly format.

  • On your Smart Meter display, you’ll be able to see exactly when and where (such as certain appliances, devices, or your HVAC system) you’re using electricity in “real-time.”
  • Consumers use this technological tool in order to plan for upcoming changes or cutting back in areas of excess usage. Better financial planning means more money for you to save or spend in another area—it’s up to you. With prepaid electricity, you’re in control, not the utility company.
  • Track your habits however you want to—keep up with your usage daily, weekly, or monthly with convenient online account management. Here you can also estimate upcoming costs and usage on the front-end.
  • By using Smart Meters, Ampra cuts costs by eliminating the need for estimated billing. When we save money, so do our customers.
  • Ampra is also happy to provide energy-saving tips and tricks based on your Smart Meter’s data.

How do I “read” the information on my Smart Meter?

By now, you have learned that Smart Meters work to show you your electricity consumption data in real time to help you better manage your power usage and costs.

Here is an overview of how to read and interpret the data displayed on your Smart Meter from the comfort of your own home. You will find that they are pretty easy to understand.

  • First, you will notice that there are THREE displays on your Smart Meter.
    • The first display will let you know whether or not your Smart Meter is ON. When power is on, the display will read “CLS.” If your electricity is turned off, the display will read “OPN.”
    • The second display on your Smart Meter will show you how much electricity you have used for the current billing cycle. The usage is shown in kilowatt-hours, or kWh. Your total amount of electricity consumption for the current billing cycle is also known as your “cumulative usage.”
    • Finally, the third display on your Smart Meter shows your electricity demand reading number. This number is used to determine the amount of electricity being used by consumers in your particular service area during various times.

Why should I sign up with Ampra Energy for prepaid electricity?

  • In addition to racking up the savings, Ampra Energy utilizes 100% Green Energy, making your decision to enroll with Ampra a good thing for the environment as well.
  • By using less water and fossil fuels, and utilizing more wind energy, Ampra delivers reliable energy while being kinder to the planet. It’s a win-win situation when you become an Ampra Energy user!
  • Ampra regularly runs promotions and specials to help you save even more. Promos like the Free Nights Energy Plans, and more are an added incentive to enroll with Ampra Energy today.

Get connected with one of Ampra Energy’s 100% Green Energy, cash-saving prepaid electricity plans today.

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Ampra Energy