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What Uses the Most Electricity in Your Home?

Many consumers are shocked to see the amount of electricity that their household actually uses—which often leads to an outrageous power bill!

Thankfully, prepaid electricity plan options help to alleviate confusion and put customers in the driver’s seat when it comes to their utility bills and consumption.

What uses the most electricity in a house? You may be surprised!

Read on for some very valuable, insightful information from Ampra Energy regarding which appliances and other household items use the most electricity in your home on a regular basis.

We’ll also explore how to make these machines run in a more efficient, cost-conscious manner.

Appliances that take the most energy

Larger appliances that are used more frequently, naturally, are going to use the most electricity.

  • Washing machines and clothes dryers use a great deal of power—and the results can be costly. Save on your power plan and do not run these machines during the hottest parts of the day.
    • Doing so will only make your A/C unit have to work harder to cool down the house, which then raises your utility bill.
  • The same can be said for dishwashers. Only run your dishwasher, washing machine, and dryer at non-peak times, as well as only with a full load.
    • Running these appliances repeatedly with small, incomplete loads means more money out of your pocket.
  • Refrigerators are no stranger to high energy consumption. Do you have a family member that loves to stand in front of the fridge with the doors open? If so, your best bet is to break them of this habit, as it causes the fridge to burn more energy to keep the contents cooled.
    • You’ll also be wise to make sure the rubber seal that keeps the door(s) of your fridge closed to keep your food cold and your bill down as much as you can.
  • Ovens/stoves and cooktops make your home hotter and your power bill higher! As with other frequently-used appliances, try cooking with your stove or oven earlier or later in the day to avoid the hottest times.
    • You could also reheat or prepare food with smaller cooking appliances, like toasters/toaster ovens and microwaves.

How can prepaid electricity help me save?

  • Now that you’ve identified common household items that use the most electricity, let’s look at how prepaid electricity plans can boost your monthly electric bill savings.
  • Prepaid electricity works by allowing consumers to track their power consumption data in real-time, using that information to scale back wherever and whenever needed to say within a predetermined budget.
  • Payment for prepaid plans is actually made ahead of time—before the power is actually used.
    • This affords customers the ability to budget more carefully and monitor their usage habits accordingly through the use of electronic devices called Smart Meters.
    • Smart Meters record and transmit data for usage by both the consumer and the power company.
    • Ampra Energy, the most flexible retail energy provider in Texas, analyzes their prepaid power customers’ usage in order to formulate additional tips and tricks to help them save more money.

Why should I choose Ampra Energy?

  • Ampra Energy recognizes that there is no “one-size-fits-all” power plan that’s going to be right for everyone.
    • That’s why, in addition to prepaid electricity plans, Ampra also offers traditional postpaid plans, as well as small business energy packages.
  • Ampra Energy also stands behind the belief that EVERYONE, regardless of their financial past or current situation, deserves access to affordable, dependable utilities.
    • At Ampra, you’re guaranteed approval! NO credit check, NO deposit, and NO S.S.N./I.D. requirements are part of what makes Ampra so accessible for everyone.

Do you want to save money on your power bill? Check out Ampra Energy, the 100% Green Energy provider in Texas, and start saving today!

Ampra Energy uses Texas wind and solar energy to provide affordable utilities you can count on!

Call, email, or visit to find your perfect plan today.

Ampra Energy